Mountain Valley is a sanctuary for wildlife. To preserve their habitat this 61h property is a registered 'Land for Wildlife' and 'Private Nature Reserve' This lost valley is home to many species of birds from tiny wrens to the Tasmanian sub species of the wedge tail eagle, masked owl and the white morph of the grey goshawk. Eleven of the twelve Tasmanian endemic birds inhabit the reserve making it ideal for bird watching at any time of the year.
Watch the antics of the resident family of Native Hens or the brilliant blue colour of the Superb Fairy Wren as they flitter around the cabins. Interpretive tours are taken at dusk to show you the Platypus as they forage for food in the still pools of the pristine river. After dark the wildlife emerge from the forest to feed at your cabin.

You will be visited at your door by wallabies (Pademelon), brushtail possums including TASMANIAN DEVILS and QUOLLS, both on the threatened species list. Experience a TASMANIAN DEVIL through the window of your log cabin.
As part of our commitment to wildlife we have a donation box for the “Save Tasmania Devil’ fund. All donations received via this box from our guests we donate a further $ FOR $.
Some of the other wildlife that live in this habitat are echidnas, ringtail possums, pygmy possums, wombats, bats and antechinus. You will marvel at the light display as you are guided into the eerie darkness of the Glow Worm Grotto.